Mass Wasting Events in Zambia
While there is not a lot of data about Zambia’s “mass wasting events” There is a ton of flooding that is a direct result of those mass wasting events such as rockslides, mudslides, and landslides. In fact the flooding in Zambia has gotten so bad that in early February this year a reported 22 districts were underwater due to this flooding. It is stated that the main cause is climate change which then has direct effects on mass wasting events which cause flooding. Besides those 22 districts, 78 districts in Zambia have projected high risk for flooding as to much rain enters the rivers. Sadly all this flooding has not only resulted in more than 373,500 people being effected and thousands of structures being destroyed but eight people have tragically lost their lives. Below I have attached images of the flooding in Zambia as well as a chart showing how most of the disaster events reported in Zambia are flooding in response to mass wasting events.
This was a very interesting flooding post.